Januar 23, 2023

Valentine's Day Ideas: Add a Twist of Strategy to Your Romantic Night with Board Games

Couple playing games / Valentine's Day Ideas: Add a Twist of Strategy to Your Romantic Night with Board Games

Valentine's Day is among the most commonly observed holidays in the world, and it makes sense. This particular day, which is observed every year on February 14, has been remembered for centuries in many nations all over the world.

Valentine's Day's beginnings can be found in ancient Rome, where it was a pagan fertility celebration. It was eventually embraced by the Catholic Church and given the name Valentine in honour of Saint Valentine, a priest who is claimed to have secretly officiated marriages for Roman soldiers who were forbidden from doing so. For his conduct, he was later put to death and imprisoned. Saint Valentine is said to have written the first Valentine letter ever and sent it to the jailer's daughter when he was imprisoned, according to mythology.


Couple enjoying on a beach and talking

Valentine's Day Gift Ideas for Couples: Show Your Love and Appreciation with Thoughtful Surprises

Valentine's Day is a special day that is all about expressing love, affection and appreciation for the important people in our lives. Whether it's our close friends, family members or romantic partners, this holiday gives us the opportunity to show them just how much they mean to us.

On average, across 28 countries, 55% of adults who have a partner are likely to do something special for the occasion.

There are many different ways to celebrate Valentine's Day, from traditional gifts such as flowers, chocolates and cards, to more unique and personal gestures like special excursions or romantic dinners. Some couples choose to make handmade gifts or love notes, while others might spend the day together as a family, making Valentine's Day cards or having a movie night. Whatever your approach, the most important thing is to take the time to show the people you care about just how much they mean to you.

Globally, chocolates or candy are the most common type of gift (34% of those who plan to celebrate intend to buy or give some), followed by flowers (28%), fragrance (20%), wine or liquor (16%), fashion accessories or jewelry (16%).

Whatever method you use to mark Valentine's Day, it's crucial to keep in mind its genuine significance. It's a day to express your love and gratitude for the people in your life and to share cheer and goodwill. Don't forget to take some time this Valentine's Day to express your love to the people you care about.


Answer This - Couples Game by The World Game

10 gifts for you other half:

  1. Give your partner a personalized gift, such as a mug with their name on it, a t-shirt with a meaningful message, or a painting with a significant date.
  2. Flowers: Sending someone a bouquet of flowers is a timeless way to express their affection. Choose a bouquet that features your significant other's favourite hues or flower varieties.
  3. Massage: Give your lover a soothing massage to let them know you're concerned about their health. You may learn certain skills and give them a massage yourself, or you could hire a professional to do it.
  4. A shared experience: Share a memorable moment with your partner. This might be a spa day, cooking class, wine tasting, concert, or cooking demonstration.
  5. A Special Dinner: Plan a special dinner at a restaurant or prepare a romantic meal for your sweetheart at home. By coming up with a particular food, setting a romantic table, and lighting candles, you can make it even more special.
  6. A Scrapbook: Put all of your unique memories from your time together in a scrapbook. It might be a special object to both of you like pictures, messages, ticket stubs, or anything else.
  7. Arrange a surprise vacation for your partner. This might be a weekend excursion to a nearby city, a trip to the beach, or perhaps a journey to a destination you've always wanted to see.
  8. Put together a gift basket of your partner's preferred items. This may include their preferred games, novels, movies, or candies.
  9. Have a song created specifically for your companion. You can either write it yourself or commission a nearby musician to do so.
  10. A Handmade Card: On a homemade card, write your lover a sincere message. Use your imagination to include something that both of you will enjoy.

Valentine's Day Guide: Best Games for Couples

Valentine's Day is the perfect time to make memories and have fun with your significant other. Here are seven game ideas that you and your partner can enjoy together on this special day:

  • Couples Challenge: Create a list of fun challenges for you and your partner to complete together, such as cooking a new recipe or taking a dance class.
  • Love Story Game: Take turns telling a story about your relationship, with the other person adding to the story. See where the story takes you.
  • The Question Game: Take turns asking each other personal and thoughtful questions to learn more about each other.
  • The Compliment Game: Take turns giving each other compliments and expressing your appreciation for each other.
  • The Memory Lane Game: Take a trip down memory lane by reminiscing about your past together, sharing stories and looking at old photos.
  • Board Game Night: Spend the night playing your favourite board games together and enjoying each other's company.
  • Love Jar: Fill a jar with slips of paper, each with a special memory or inside joke, and take turns reading them out loud and laughing together.


 The World Game | Answer This - Couples Edition - Double Date

Bringing Couples Closer Together: The Joy of Playing Board Games on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is a special day to show your loved one how much you care about them and what better way to do that than by playing board games together. Board games are an excellent choice for couples looking for a fun and unique way to spend this special day. Not only do they provide hours of entertainment, but they also help to bring couples closer together by fostering conversation, teamwork, and friendly competition.

One of the best things about board games is that there is something for everyone. Whether you're into strategy games, word games, or party games, there is a board game that will suit your interests. Games like Scrabble, Settlers of Catan, and Codenames are perfect for couples who love to challenge each other and test their knowledge. On the other hand, games like Super Skills or Cards Against Humanity are perfect for couples who love to have a good laugh.

Playing board games together also provides a great opportunity to unplug and disconnect from the outside world. With so many distractions in our daily lives, it can be hard to focus on each other and truly connect. Playing a board game together allows you to put your phones away, focus on the game, and each other, and create lasting memories.


The World Game | Answer This - Couples Edition couples enjoying life

Conversation starter games such as Answer This – Couples edition are a great way for couples to have fun together and strengthen their relationship. There are many reasons why every couple should consider playing conversation games:

  1. Improve communication: When you play conversation games, you are encouraged to express yourself, share your thoughts and feelings with your partner and it helps to improve listening skills and understanding each other's perspectives.
  2. Break the ice: Whether you are a new couple or a long-term couple, conversation games can be a great way to break the ice, ease tension and revive conversation and intimacy.
  3. Learn more about each other: With conversation games, couples can learn more about each other's likes, dislikes, and interests. It's a great way to share stories, past experiences and memories which can help to strengthen the bond between you.
  4. Encourage intimacy and trust: When couples share personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences, it helps to build intimacy and trust between them. Conversation games can provide an opportunity for couples to open up and be vulnerable with each other.
  5. Have fun together: At the end of the day, the most important thing is to have fun together and conversation games are a great way to relax, unwind and enjoy each other's company, which is essential for maintaining a healthy relationship.

Valentine's Day Board Game Night: Ignite the Competitive Flame with other Couples

You know what's a great way to strengthen relationships and make new friends? Playing board games with other couples. It may sound simple, but it can be a game-changer.


The World Game | Answer This - Black Edition - Double Date

Games are an excellent ice-breaker. Whether you're meeting a new couple for the first time or catching up with old friends, these games can help create a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere where everyone feels at ease. It can be especially helpful for those who may be shy or introverted, as the games provide a structured way to engage in conversation and get to know others.

 The World Game | Answer This - Couples Edition - Double Date


Pictionary is game that is always a hit with couples. It's all about drawing and guessing, and it's a great way to get everyone involved and having a good time. Each couple takes turns drawing and guessing, and the couple with the most correct guesses at the end of the game wins.

For those who love to test their knowledge, a trivia game like The World Game Card Game is a great option. This game can be adapted to suit any group of couples, and it's a great way to test your knowledge and have fun with friends.


The World Game | Super Skills - Couples competing

Game called Super Skills is also a great option, where couples compete against each other in different challenges. This is a fun and active way to spend time with friends and get to know each other better.

Ultimately, the most important thing is to choose a game that all couples enjoy and feel comfortable playing together. It's also a good idea to mix things up and try different types of games to keep things interesting. With so many options available, there's something for everyone!