Smo energična skupina v nenehnem iskanju zabave v vseh oblikah in velikostih. Ko ugotovimo, da nekaj nad čimer smo navdušeni ne obstaja, si to kar izmislimo. Začeli smo tako, da smo svojo strast do potovanj in raziskovanja ter spoznavanja sveta preoblikovali v naše geografske igre.

Our mission is simple
Create fun games for everyone that we'd love to play ourselves. We invented our games to satisfy our hunger for geography knowledge, competitive fun, getting to know our friends better and our love for clever word games.

Why we do what we do
At one point we just got tired of people not being social anymore, always hidding behind screens. We got tired of mindless games that don't add any extra value. We wanted to change this and that's why we make games with added educational, motor skill development or social value, so time spent together, is time well spent.