Aim of the game

Aim of the game

Win by being the smartest (or the luckiest). Answer questions, collect cards, and claim victory.

Setting it up

Setting it up

Shuffle the deck like a pro (or just mix it up) and place it in the middle, image side up.

Insert the game-ender card somewhere in the deck, to set the playing time. Keep the cheat sheet card visible if playing challenges (trust us, it helps).

Everyone sits down, youngest player goes first (finally, being the baby of the group pays off). Play proceeds clockwise.

You will find the game-ender and cheat sheet card in the original version of the game.

How to play?

How to play?

On your turn, roll the die. The number tells you which question you have to answer.

The player to your right reads it out loud but must keep their mouth shut about the answer.

Answer correctly? You get the card. Get it wrong? That card is discarded.

Play continues until the game-ender card shows up. Then, it's showdown time.

Two-playes only?

In a two-player game, specific rules regarding numbers do not apply. Just answer the question. If it’s question number #5, you get it right if you're within 10% of the actual answer.

Who wins?

Who wins?

When the game-ender card appears, count your cards. The player with the most wins. Tie? The tied players battle it out with question #4 from the next card. May the best brain prevail!